360 Training Logo
Company SizeNational Leader in Workforce Training
Business TypeLargest Workforce Training Solutions Provider in US
Provided ValueIncreased rankings, traffic and sales
We have a complex site, Razor Rank's team always came through with solid guidance, their solutions were spot-on.
Ryan Linders
Chief Marketing Officer

Project Overview

360 Training provides government certified online training for mandated courses in Food Service, Real Estate, and OSHA across multiple domains. The team's main complaint was, "We're not ranking for anything and we want to know why!" The prior owner 'had not invested in the website and infrastructure' but the new owners were ready to fix the site. There were thousands of pages and courses, page architecture lacked strategy, there were 2 other sites with competing pages, and the developers quit just before we were hired. There was no shortage of work to be done.

The Results

Razor Rank worked with the 360 team and their third party development teams to help consolidate multiple domains into one super-site that encompassed multiple verticals. We were able to significantly increase overall domain authority. None of the original sites were built with SEO best practices in mind so the migration project gave us the opportunity to re-design their URL structure and ensure all verticals were set-up in SEO optimized ways. Between on-page changes and the combined domain authority boost 360training.com saw huge increases to organic traffic and organic revenue in all verticals.

Increased Organic Traffic 

The site saw a significant increase in sessions and overall visits month over month compared to the prior year's performance (see 'Insights' below). In addition to the increase in visits, we saw a 22% decrease in bounce rate as a result of better keyword targeting for important service pages.

Increased visits
per month, YOY comparison

Increased New Users

By revising page architecture and header tag usage, New Users increased dramatically, up 67% per month, year over year comparison. A side-effect of better targeted users was also noted - it resulted in significantly more transactions, and more expensive transactions (higher AOV). 

New Users Increased by
per month, YOY

Google Keyword Rank Improvements

The average Google rank for over 700 high-value non-branded keywords improved dramatically, from an average position of 35 when 360 Training first  started working with Razor Rank, to an average position of 14 with over 600 of those keywords appearing on page 1 of the Google SERPs.

Page 1 Keywords
of 730 tracked



We love it when a plan comes together. Checking in with Google Analytics we can see the results of our efforts. This image below shows organic traffic only, for the current month vs. the same month one year prior. Razor Rank was able to help 360 Training realize a 91.01% increase in sessions, a 69.78% increase in users, and a 67.18% increase in new users to the site. These are significant gains for a site that has quite a lot of complexity.

SEO Case Study - E Learning